BUILDING PERMIT - Law 4495/17 & Law 4067/12

According to contemporary urban planning, the issuance of an administrative act by the authorized engineer is required for the execution of any type of construction work. Obtaining the respective building permit ensures the owner’s protection from insurance and administrative penalties, as well as the legality of their property.

The building permit is the administrative act that allows the execution of construction works on a plot or site, as specified in the accompanying plans, provided that such works comply with the current regulations.

The concept of the building permit also includes permits that do not involve structural construction, such as demolition permits, change of use permits, permits for landscaping, repairs, renovations, reinforcements, permits for embankments or excavations, as well as tree-cutting permits. The regularization permit for unauthorized construction is also considered a building permit.

ENAUSYS undertakes the processing of the following studies, as well as the supervision of the corresponding works for the issuance of a building permit:

  • Architectural study
  • Structural study
  • Topographic study
  • Energy efficiency study
  • Hydraulic installation study
  • Electrical installation study
  • Fire safety study
  • Gas fuel study
  • Environmental landscaping study
  • Time scheduling study


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    Address:Leoforos Konstantinou Karamanli 67

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