Operating Permit

The operating permit is extremely important for the smooth and authorized operation of any business. The preliminary inspection of the premises to be rented is necessary as it ensures the suitability of the space and the specific requirements that may be required. It also prevents unauthorized constructions that may exist from previous uses of the property. In cases where the use as a store is not provided for in the building permit, a permit for change of use is required if allowed by the urban planning provisions.

A wide range of businesses require an Operating License from the respective Municipal authority or the competent Region, such as:

  • Establishments of Health Interest (cafes, restaurants, grill houses, snack bars, refreshment stands, etc.)
  • Establishments such as barbershops, hair salons, beauty centers, etc.
  • Schools, tutoring centers, gyms
  • Laboratories and Processing activities
  • Other activities that require an operating license


ENAUSYS has specialized engineers and undertakes all procedures, plans, and necessary inspections for issuing an operating license. Specifically, we undertake the following:

  • Inspection with documentation of the space and verification of urban planning data (topographic, elevation, existence of unauthorized constructions, etc.)
  • Design of floor plans, site layout plans, flow diagrams to meet the specifications for the installation of each business
  • Issuance of small-scale building works permit or building permit with accompanying studies
  • Preparation of energy and passive fire protection studies, as well as the issuance of the corresponding fire safety certificate
  • Issuance of an operating license

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    Company Details

    Telephone: +30 2313 069313

    E-Mail: info@enausys.com
    Address:Leoforos Konstantinou Karamanli 67

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